
ECI 140A: Environmental Analysis of Aqueous Systems

This course focuses on applying chemical and microbiological principles to aqueous systems in both the natural environment and in engineered infrastructure. The course will introduce wet chemical, microbial water quality and instrumental techniques commonly used in the examination of water and wastewater and associated data analysis. The course takes a learn-by-doing approach for both laboratory and field experiments. The focus in the lab section will be on conducting experiments relevant to water quality.  Offered Fall quarter.

ECI 289A: Environmental Health Engineering

Human health and the environment are inextricably linked. This course focuses on identifying, evaluating, and addressing environmental factors that impact public health. Students will learn processes of hazard identification, exposure and dose-response assessments, and risk characterization to perform quantitative microbial risk assessments. Environmental exposures to and risks from harmful chemicals will also be addressed, though the primary focus is microbial risk assessment. Offered Winter or Spring quarter.

NOTE: ECI289A is a placeholder course number used for all of my graduate course classes until changed through university processes. Therefore, ECI 289A will have different content each quarter offered.

ECI 189: Group projects

I’ve offered learning enrichment activities including “The Stream Team” and “Team AGUA” on an ad hoc basis.

Past Courses Offered

ECI 289A/ABT 198: A Path to Zero Waste. Global demand for water, energy, and food continues to increase, while many available resources remain finite. Modern and innovative approaches to waste management consider environmental impacts and opportunities to recover energy, water, and nutrients. We will study the landscape of modern solid waste management and consider pathways to more sustainable waste management strategies. Students will perform client-centered design challenges. Offered in partnership with the UC Davis Engineering Student Design Center.

ECI 289A: Alternative Water and Waste Management. This course will introduce alternative water and wastewater management strategies needed
when traditional means and methods are inadequate. A series of guest speakers will describe innovative engineering strategies being implemented to address challenging environmental conditions and opportunities in sustainability. Students will engage in discussion with practitioners, experts and peer researchers and take several field trips to local sites. Field trips include stormwater management ffacilities, a solid waste landfill, and food waste management facilities.

ECI 289A: Synergies between Environmental Engineering and Water Policy. This course provides practical experience and build skills in applying engineering critical thinking to environmental-policy problems. The course will also challenge the student to consider how to best account for real-world constraints—including political constraints, regulatory constraints, and constraints imposed by public understanding and opinion—in environmental engineering research. Particular emphasis will be placed on policy problems and research questions related to water quality, availability, treatment, and reuse.

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