Group members Hannah Safford (PhD) and Erica Koopman Glass (UG Senior, President of UC Davis American Water Works Association Student Chapter) organized a student tour at the Taylor Brother Farm in Yuba City with BioFiltro on Friday December 1, 2017. BioFiltro systems use earthworms and micro-organisms to treat wastewater, building large worm treatment basins to treat flow from farms, vineyards, industry, etc. to remove organic material prior to discharge.

According to Biofiltro, the BIDA® System is capable of processing millions of gallons per day and can use up to 95% less energy than traditional wastewater treatment methods to deliver water that is ready for reuse, crop irrigation, or apt for tertiary disinfection. A total of 20 undergraduate, MS and PhD students attended the tour.
The tour was a great success and was also highlighted on the CEE department website (see below).
CEE Students Organize Field Trip to Innovative Wastewater Treatment Installation