Women for Water Research team does it again – swims across Lake Tahoe

Six UC Davis affiliated students, scientists, and professors swam in the 42nd Annual Trans Tahoe Relay on July 21, 2018 to raise awareness of watershed protection and water research. For the second year in a row, the Women for Water Research team swam the 10(+)-mile stretch for the Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC) and Center for Watershed Sciences (CWS).

2018 Women for Water Research: Trans Tahoe Relay team (From Left: Kelly, Heather, Kate, Sharon, Ann, Veronica, Geoff, and Roberta)

We were supported by boat driver and TERC director, Geoff Schladow, who piloted the TERC research boat for us while sharing tidbits about Lake Tahoe (and candy gummies) along the way. TERC’s discoveries and methods are used to support policy decisions at Lake Tahoe and to help aid research efforts at other lakes around the world.

Ann Willis of CWS took over as captain this year (and hooked us up with UCD caps!). CWS’ uses interdisciplinary research to find environmentally and economically sustainable solutions from managing rivers, lakes, and estuaries.

Click to support TERC and CWS!

Meet the Participants:

Lake temperatures were rather high (data from Geoff Schladow).

Heather Bischel, Assistant Professor

Roberta Millstein, Professor

Veronica Morales, Assistant Professor

Kelly Neal, Undergraduate

Kate Tiedeman, Doctoral Candidate

Ann Willis, Staff Researcher and Graduate Student


CWS Website

UC Davis Dateline

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